Unveiling the Top 10 Most Scraped Websites of 2024: Insights and Strategies

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Discover how businesses can harness the power of web scraping to stay ahead in competitive markets:

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires access to the most current and comprehensive data. Web scraping has emerged as a powerful tool, enabling businesses to gather valuable insights from various online sources. According to Smartproxy’s latest report, “Behind the Clicks: Most Scraped Websites of 2024,” certain websites have become primary targets for scraping activities due to the richness and relevance of the data they offer.

Brief Overview: Smartproxy, a leader in API scraping solutions, has released its annual report highlighting the top 10 most scraped websites of 2024. This report offers a detailed analysis of the data and provides actionable insights for businesses looking to leverage web scraping for strategic advantage.

This report sheds light on the top 10 most scraped websites of 2024, revealing the types of data that businesses collect and the strategic advantages this data provides. From SEO optimization to competitive analysis, the insights gained from web scraping can transform how businesses operate and compete in the market.

In this comprehensive overview, we delve into the specifics of why these websites are heavily scraped and how different industries can leverage the extracted data to enhance their strategies. Whether you are an SEO manager looking to improve search rankings, a market researcher seeking industry trends, or an eCommerce business aiming to stay competitive, understanding and utilizing scraped data is crucial.

Join us as we explore the key data points from these highly scraped websites, offering practical applications and best practices for leveraging this information. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to harness the power of web scraping to drive growth and innovation in your business.

Categories of most scraped websites:

CategoryShareUse CasesBenefits
Search Engines42% of all requestsSEO analysis, keyword research, content optimization, market trend trackingEnhances online visibility, tailors content, refines targeting strategies, maximizes ROI in low-competition search queries
Social Media27% of all requestsBrand sentiment monitoring, market trend analysis, competitor researchGains insights into customer preferences, tracks ad campaign effectiveness, identifies communication gaps
eCommerce18% of all requestsPrice comparison, market analysis, trend tracking, competitive intelligenceOptimizes pricing strategies, identifies top-selling products, analyzes peak shopping hours
Community Forums7% of all requestsSentiment analysis, trend identification, content topic search, competitive landscape analysisIdentifies niche audiences, uncovers potential keywords for ad campaigns
Real Estate3% of all requestsCompetitor listing monitoring, pricing strategy adjustment, user review analysisTargets potential buyers and renters with precise ads
Other3% of all requestsVarious niche applications not covered by the main categoriesDiverse data collection for specialized needs

Data collection trends:

Top 10 Most Scraped Websites of 2024 – Key Findings:

Website #1: Google

According to the report by Smartproxy titled “Behind the Clicks: Most Scraped Websites of 2024,” Google, with over 80% of the search engine market share according to Statista, is a primary target for scraping activities. With an average success rate of 99.98%, these services enable users to gather real-time data essential for SEO management..

Key Data Points: 

Through the SERP Scraping API, users collect critical information on meta titles, meta descriptions, and keywords across various Google services, enhancing their SEO strategies effectively and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  1. Meta Titles: Titles of web pages in search results, useful for understanding competitors’ content and keyword targeting.
  2. Meta Descriptions: Brief descriptions under meta titles, helping optimize click-through rates by analyzing competitors’ summaries.
  3. Keywords: Terms and phrases targeted by competitors, essential for developing effective keyword strategies.
  4. Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs): Rankings of websites for specific keywords, useful for competitive analysis and identifying improvement opportunities.
  5. Google Ads: Data on ad titles, descriptions, and keywords, providing insights into paid search strategies.
  6. Google Images: Visual content related to keywords, aiding in understanding search trends and optimizing image SEO.
  7. Google Shopping: Product listings, prices, and descriptions, crucial for tracking competitor pricing and product offerings in eCommerce.
  8. Google Travel Hotels: Hotel listings, reviews, and prices, valuable for monitoring market trends and customer preferences in the travel industry.
  9. Google Suggest: Popular search queries and emerging trends, useful for content creation and SEO strategies.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Businesses: Optimize SEO and marketing strategies by analyzing Google data.
  • For Consumers: Make informed purchasing decisions with comprehensive data insights.
  • For Market Researchers: Identify industry trends and consumer behavior patterns with detailed data.
  • For Content Creators: Create high-impact content that aligns with trending search terms.
  • For SEO Managers: Improve search engine rankings with targeted keyword and competitor analysis.
  • For Advertisers: Enhance ad performance and relevance with detailed ad data from Google.
  • For eCommerce Businesses: Stay competitive by monitoring and adjusting to market trends in pricing and product listings.

Website #2: Amazon

Amazon, with an impressive $574B revenue in 2023, is a significant target for scraping activities. As the third largest company in the world by revenue and with over 1.6M packages shipped daily, real-time data from Amazon is invaluable for eCommerce growth.

Key Data Points:

Through the eCommerce Scraping API, users collect critical information on products, sellers, and pricing across various Amazon services, enhancing their eCommerce strategies and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  • Amazon Search: Data on search results for products.
  • Amazon Bestsellers: Information on top-selling products.
  • Amazon Product: Detailed product listings and descriptions.
  • Amazon Pricing: Pricing data for competitive analysis.
  • Amazon Reviews: Customer reviews for product feedback.
  • Amazon Questions: Questions and answers for additional product insights.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Businesses: Optimize product listings and pricing strategies by analyzing Amazon data.
  • For Consumers: Make informed purchasing decisions with comprehensive product insights.
  • For Market Researchers: Identify market trends and consumer preferences.
  • For Content Creators: Create content that aligns with popular products and trends.
  • For SEO Managers: Improve product visibility with targeted keyword analysis.
  • For Advertisers: Enhance ad campaigns with detailed product and market data.
  • For eCommerce Businesses: Stay competitive by monitoring and adjusting to market trends in pricing and product offerings.

Website #3: Tripadvisor

Tripadvisor, with over 30.2M reviews in 2024, is a crucial source of data for businesses in the travel industry. This platform provides real-time insights into customer experiences and preferences.

Key Data Points:

Through scraping, users collect detailed reviews and ratings across various Tripadvisor services, enhancing their service quality and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  • Hotel Reviews: Customer feedback on hotel stays.
  • Restaurant Reviews: Reviews and ratings for dining experiences.
  • Attraction Reviews: Insights into tourist attraction experiences.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Businesses: Improve service quality and customer satisfaction by analyzing Tripadvisor data.
  • For Consumers: Make informed travel decisions with comprehensive review insights.
  • For Market Researchers: Identify trends in the travel and hospitality industry.
  • For Content Creators: Create content that resonates with travel trends and experiences.
  • For SEO Managers: Enhance travel-related content with targeted keyword analysis.
  • For Advertisers: Optimize travel advertising campaigns with detailed customer feedback.
  • For Travel Agencies: Stay competitive by monitoring and adjusting to market trends and customer preferences.

Website #4: Walmart

Walmart, accounting for over 25% of all online grocery sales in the US, is a major target for scraping activities. The data collected from Walmart helps eCommerce businesses to adjust their strategies effectively.

Key Data Points:

Through scraping, users collect data on products, pricing, and sales trends across various Walmart services, enhancing their eCommerce strategies and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  • Product Listings: Detailed information on products available at Walmart.
  • Pricing Data: Competitive pricing information.
  • Bestselling Products: Data on top-selling items.
  • Store Locations: Information on physical store locations and stock availability.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Businesses: Optimize product listings and pricing strategies by analyzing Walmart data.
  • For Consumers: Make informed purchasing decisions with comprehensive product insights.
  • For Market Researchers: Identify market trends and consumer preferences.
  • For Content Creators: Create content that aligns with popular products and trends.
  • For SEO Managers: Improve product visibility with targeted keyword analysis.
  • For Advertisers: Enhance ad campaigns with detailed product and market data.
  • For eCommerce Businesses: Stay competitive by monitoring and adjusting to market trends in pricing and product offerings.

Website #5: Craigslist

Craigslist, a popular job-finding and classified ads platform, is heavily scraped for various types of data. This data is beneficial for different industries, including real estate and recruitment.

Key Data Points:

Through scraping, users collect data on job postings, property listings, and classified ads across various Craigslist categories, enhancing their business strategies and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  • Job Postings: Information on job openings and hiring trends.
  • Property Listings: Data on rental and sale properties.
  • Classified Ads: Details on various items and services listed.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Real Estate Agencies: Supplement property databases and offer a broader selection to clients.
  • For Recruiting Agencies: Identify potential candidates and monitor hiring trends.
  • For Small Businesses: Analyze the quality of listings and identify market gaps.
  • For Consumers: Find job opportunities and property listings that match their needs.
  • For Market Researchers: Track trends in job postings and real estate listings.
  • For Advertisers: Target relevant audiences with data-driven campaigns.
  • For Content Creators: Generate content based on trending job and property listings.

Website #6: Bing

Bing, with over 1.2B monthly visitors, is a significant target for scraping activities. The data collected from Bing is similar to that from Google, providing valuable insights for various digital strategies.

Key Data Points:

Through the SERP Scraping API, users collect critical information on meta titles, meta descriptions, and keywords across various Bing services, enhancing their SEO strategies effectively and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  • Meta Titles: Titles of web pages in search results.
  • Meta Descriptions: Brief descriptions under meta titles.
  • Keywords: Terms and phrases targeted by competitors.
  • SERPs: Rankings of websites for specific keywords.
  • Local Business Listings: Information on local businesses.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Businesses: Optimize SEO and marketing strategies by analyzing Bing data.
  • For Consumers: Make informed decisions with comprehensive search insights.
  • For Market Researchers: Identify industry trends and consumer behavior patterns.
  • For Content Creators: Create high-impact content that aligns with trending search terms.
  • For SEO Managers: Improve search engine rankings with targeted keyword and competitor analysis.
  • For Advertisers: Enhance ad performance and relevance with detailed ad data from Bing.
  • For Local Businesses: Improve local SEO and attract more customers.

Website #7: eBay

eBay, with 135M global users, is a major target for web scraping activities. The platform’s vast array of products provides valuable data for eCommerce businesses worldwide.

Key Data Points:

Through scraping, users collect data on product listings, pricing, and sales trends across various eBay services, enhancing their eCommerce strategies and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  • Product Listings: Detailed information on products available on eBay.
  • Pricing Data: Competitive pricing information.
  • Sales Data: Data on transaction volumes and sales trends.
  • User Reviews: Customer feedback on products and sellers.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Businesses: Optimize product listings and pricing strategies by analyzing eBay data.
  • For Consumers: Make informed purchasing decisions with comprehensive product insights.
  • For Market Researchers: Identify market trends and consumer preferences.
  • For Content Creators: Create content that aligns with popular products and trends.
  • For SEO Managers: Improve product visibility with targeted keyword analysis.
  • For Advertisers: Enhance ad campaigns with detailed product and market data.
  • For eCommerce Businesses: Stay competitive by monitoring and adjusting to market trends in pricing and product offerings.

Website #8: Shopify

Shopify, with over 4.5M online stores, is a significant target for scraping activities. The data collected from Shopify helps businesses identify trends and optimize their strategies.

Key Data Points:

Through scraping, users collect data on product listings, pricing, and sales trends across various Shopify stores, enhancing their eCommerce strategies and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  • Product Listings: Detailed information on products available on Shopify stores.
  • Pricing Data: Competitive pricing information.
  • Sales Data: Data on transaction volumes and sales trends.
  • Best-selling Products: Insights into popular products and categories.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Businesses: Optimize product listings and pricing strategies by analyzing Shopify data.
  • For Consumers: Make informed purchasing decisions with comprehensive product insights.
  • For Market Researchers: Identify market trends and consumer preferences.
  • For Content Creators: Create content that aligns with popular products and trends.
  • For SEO Managers: Improve product visibility with targeted keyword analysis.
  • For Advertisers: Enhance ad campaigns with detailed product and market data.
  • For eCommerce Businesses: Stay competitive by monitoring and adjusting to market trends in pricing and product offerings.

Website #9: Lazada

Lazada, serving over 560M customers, is a major target for web scraping activities in Southeast Asia. The platform’s extensive product range provides valuable data for eCommerce businesses.

Key Data Points:

Through scraping, users collect data on product listings, pricing, and sales trends across various Lazada categories, enhancing their eCommerce strategies and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  • Product Listings: Detailed information on products available on Lazada.
  • Pricing Data: Competitive pricing information.
  • Sales Data: Data on transaction volumes and sales trends.
  • Best-selling Products: Insights into popular products and categories.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Businesses: Optimize product listings and pricing strategies by analyzing Lazada data.
  • For Consumers: Make informed purchasing decisions with comprehensive product insights.
  • For Market Researchers: Identify market trends and consumer preferences.
  • For Content Creators: Create content that aligns with popular products and trends.
  • For SEO Managers: Improve product visibility with targeted keyword analysis.
  • For Advertisers: Enhance ad campaigns with detailed product and market data.
  • For eCommerce Businesses: Stay competitive by monitoring and adjusting to market trends in pricing and product offerings.

Website #10: Zillow

Zillow, a premier online real estate marketplace, is a vital target for web scraping activities. The platform provides extensive data on property listings and market trends.

Key Data Points:

Through scraping, users collect data on property prices, neighbourhood information, and market trends across various Zillow listings, enhancing their real estate strategies and gaining competitive insights. Here are the key data points:

  • Property Listings: Detailed information on properties for sale and rent.
  • Pricing Data: Competitive pricing information.
  • Market Trends: Data on housing market trends and neighbourhood popularity.
  • Rental Insights: Information on rental properties and prices.

How to Leverage This Data:

  • For Real Estate Agencies: Analyze market trends and identify investment opportunities.
  • For Consumers: Make informed decisions on property purchases and rentals.
  • For Market Researchers: Track trends in the housing market and identify popular neighbourhoods.
  • For Content Creators: Generate content based on trending real estate data.
  • For Advertisers: Target relevant audiences with data-driven campaigns.
  • For Investors: Assess property values and identify high-return investment opportunities.
  • For Property Managers: Improve rental property management with detailed market insights.

Smartproxy’s Role in Data Scraping:

Smartproxy’s advanced tools are pivotal for businesses aiming to extract and utilise data from the most scraped websites identified in the report. Here’s how Smartproxy’s offerings align with the insights and strategies shared:

  • Proxy Networks:
    • Residential Proxies: Essential for scraping data from high-traffic sites like Google, Amazon, and eBay, where avoiding detection and simulating real user behaviour are crucial for effective data collection.
    • Datacenter Proxies: Ideal for quick and efficient data extraction from search engines and eCommerce platforms, ensuring high-speed access to vast amounts of data.
    • Mobile Proxies: Useful for accessing mobile-specific content and user behaviour data from platforms like Google and social media sites.
  • Scraping APIs:
    • SERP Scraping API: Enables the collection of search engine result pages from Google and Bing, providing critical insights for SEO and keyword strategy, as highlighted in the report.
    • eCommerce Scraping API: Facilitates the gathering of product data, pricing, and reviews from Amazon, Walmart, and other major eCommerce sites, aligning with the report’s focus on market analysis and competitive intelligence.
    • Social Media Scraping API: Helps monitor brand sentiment and analyze market trends from social media platforms, complementing the report’s findings on social media data utilization.
  • Data Collection Tools:
    • Smartproxy Dashboard: Provides an intuitive platform for managing proxy usage and performance, crucial for businesses needing to streamline their data scraping operations as discussed in the report. Unlock 35% off on all proxies today!
    • Rotating Proxies: Ensures continuous and undetected access to data, vital for scraping high-traffic sites and maintaining data quality.
  • Web Scraping Solutions:
    • Custom Scraping Solutions: Tailored to meet specific needs for data collection from various websites, supporting the diverse applications mentioned in the report.


Smartproxy’s report, “Most Scraped Websites of 2024,” reveals crucial data on top targets for web scraping and their strategic applications. Understanding these insights helps businesses optimize SEO, refine marketing tactics, and stay ahead of market trends. The data collected from these top websites offers valuable opportunities to enhance online visibility, improve ad performance, and gain a competitive edge. Explore the full report here to uncover comprehensive strategies and actionable insights. Leverage this data to drive your business forward and maintain a competitive advantage in your industry.

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