Ultimate List of AI Tools for Coding 2024

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In the fast-paced world of software development, staying ahead often means leveraging cutting-edge tools and technologies. AI Tools for Coding have emerged as invaluable assets, revolutionizing the way developers write, debug, and optimize code. From autocompletion to code generation, these tools offer a range of features designed to streamline workflows and enhance productivity. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the top AI Tools for Coding in the market, highlighting their key features, benefits, and potential considerations for developers.

Table of Contents
GitHub Copilot
Cody (Sourcegraph)
OpenAI Codex
Bard (Google)

1. AskCodi:

AskCodi is an AI-driven coding assistant designed to enhance developer productivity by providing intelligent code suggestions, error detection, and code explanations. It leverages advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to understand and interpret user queries, offering context-aware assistance for coding tasks. AskCodi aims to streamline the software development process by reducing the time spent on coding and debugging tasks, making it an invaluable tool for developers of all skill levels.


  • AI-Powered Code Generation: AskCodi provides AI-powered assistance to developers, offering support for various coding tasks.
  • Natural Language Queries: Developers can interact with AskCodi using natural language queries, making it intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Code Autocompletion: The tool offers code autocompletion suggestions based on the context, speeding up the coding process.
  • Error Detection: AskCodi can identify potential errors in the code and provide suggestions for fixing them, improving code quality.
  • Code Explanation: Developers can request explanations for code snippets, aiding in understanding complex programming concepts.


  • Accuracy Concerns: There may be occasional inaccuracies or incomplete information provided by AskCodi, requiring double-checking and thorough testing.
  • Limited Customization: While AskCodi offers assistance, some developers may find its suggestions generic or not aligned with their coding preferences, necessitating further customization.
  • Output Variability: Code generated by AskCodi may not always produce the expected output, requiring manual adjustments and verification.
  • Learning Curve: New users of AskCodi may face a learning curve in understanding its features and adapting to its recommendations, potentially slowing down the initial usage.

Pricing: AskCodi offers a freemium model with basic features available for free. Advanced features such as code optimization and personalized assistance are available through subscription-based plans.

2. GitHub Copilot:

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. It provides intelligent code suggestions and completions directly within the code editor, helping developers write code faster and more efficiently. GitHub Copilot is trained on a vast dataset of code from open source repositories, enabling it to offer context-aware suggestions for various programming languages and frameworks.


  • AI Coding Assistant: Provides contextualized assistance throughout the software development lifecycle.
  • Code Quality Improvement: Enhances code quality and includes a built-in vulnerability prevention system.
  • Collaboration Support: Acts as an additional team member, facilitating greater collaboration among team members.
  • Real-Time Suggestions: Provides real-time code completion suggestions based on the project’s context and style conventions.
  • Personalized Documentation: Offers personalized answers grounded in the organization’s knowledge base, reducing time spent on searching.
  • Integrations: Available as an extension in popular coding editors and supported in terminals through GitHub CLI.


  • Language Support Limitations: May work less effectively with non-English language prompts, impacting non-English speakers.
  • Potential Offensive Outputs: Despite efforts to filter offensive outputs, there may still be instances where GitHub Copilot produces offensive language or suggestions.
  • Intellectual Property Considerations: Users need to review and verify suggestions to avoid potential copyright issues and intellectual property infringements.

Pricing: GitHub Copilot is available as a subscription service, with pricing starting at $10 per month for individual users and custom pricing options for teams and organizations.

3. Cody (Sourcegraph):

Cody is an AI coding assistant developed by Sourcegraph, aimed at improving developer productivity and code quality. It offers features such as AI-assisted autocomplete, code explanation, unit test generation, and context-aware code editing. Cody leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to provide intelligent code suggestions and assistance, making it easier for developers to write, understand, and maintain code.


  • AI-Assisted Autocomplete: Cody provides autocomplete functionality for coding in various programming languages, speeding up the coding process.
  • AI-Powered Chat for Code: Users can utilize an AI-powered chat feature to receive assistance with understanding and navigating complex coding problems.
  • Custom and Pre-Built Commands: Cody offers both custom and pre-built commands to automate coding tasks and improve workflow efficiency.
  • Code Explanation: Users can access explanations for code snippets and repositories, aiding in understanding and onboarding to new projects quickly.
  • Unit Test Generation and Code Smell Detection: Cody can generate unit tests to ensure code quality and functionality while identifying and describing code smells to optimize code for best practices and maintainability.


  • Limited Language Support: Cody’s effectiveness may be limited by the programming languages it supports, potentially restricting its utility for certain projects.
  • Learning Curve and Enterprise Integration: New users may experience a learning curve in fully utilizing Cody’s features and capabilities, particularly if they are new to AI tools for coding. Additionally, organizations seeking enhanced security and scalability may require Cody Enterprise, leading to additional costs and potential complexities in integration.

Pricing: Cody offers a subscription-based pricing model, with free plans and pro plans starting at $9 per user per month for individual developers. Custom pricing options are available for enterprise users and teams.

4. AlphaCode:

AlphaCode is an AI-powered coding tool designed to assist developers in writing code more efficiently and accurately. It offers features such as attention visualization, interactive interface, randomly selected solutions, expert commentary, and transparent data limitations disclosure. AlphaCode leverages advanced AI algorithms to provide context-aware assistance and code suggestions, helping developers improve their coding skills and productivity.


  • Attention Visualization: Provides attention visualization, highlighting tokens focused on during solution generation.
  • Interactive Interface: Offers a user-friendly interface allowing active engagement with the tool.
  • Randomly Selected Solutions: Presents randomly selected solutions to offer diverse problem-solving approaches.
  • Expert Commentary: Includes commentary from expert programmers, offering valuable insights and strategies.
  • Data Limitations Disclosure: Transparently informs users about dataset limitations for accurate expectations.


  • Limited Test Coverage: Due to dataset constraints, may not cover all scenarios, leading to potential false positives.
  • Limited Language Support: Effectiveness may vary if natural language prompts are not in English.
  • Offensive Outputs: Despite filtering efforts, may occasionally produce offensive language or suggestions.

Pricing: AlphaCode offers a free tier with limited features available to all users. Advanced features and premium support are available through subscription-based plans starting at $20 per month for individual users.

5. CodeT5:

CodeT5 is an AI coding assistant based on Google’s T5 framework, designed to facilitate code generation, understanding, and summarization. It offers features such as transformer technology, T5 architecture, bimodal dual learning objective, seq2seq architecture, code understanding, and wide applications. CodeT5 leverages state-of-the-art natural language processing techniques to provide accurate code suggestions and assistance for developers.


  • Transformer Technology: Utilizes advanced Transformer technology for code understanding and generation.
  • T5 Architecture: Based on the T5 architecture, extending it with two identifier tagging and prediction tasks.
  • Bimodal Dual Learning Objective: Implements bidirectional conversion between natural language and programming language.
  • Seq2Seq Architecture: Utilizes a neural language model with a sequence-to-sequence architecture for improved performance.
  • Code Understanding: Enhances understanding of code elements like variables, functions, and classes.
  • Wide Applications: Applicable to various code-related tasks such as code completion, summarization, and translation.


  • Specialized Knowledge Required: Users may need a fundamental understanding of programming languages for optimal utilization.
  • Training Requirements: Training and fine-tuning the model for specific tasks may require additional time and resources.
  • Complexity: Implementing CodeT5 for certain projects or applications may introduce complexities in the development process.

Pricing: CodeT5 is available as a cloud-based service, with pricing based on usage and custom pricing options available for enterprise users and teams.

6. Tabnine:

Tabnine is an AI-powered code completion tool designed to accelerate the coding process and improve developer productivity. It offers features such as switchable models, personalization, onboarding agent, code privacy, and best-in-class code generation. Tabnine uses machine learning algorithms to analyze code patterns and provide intelligent code suggestions and completions, making it easier for developers to write code efficiently.


  • Switchable Models: Offers switchable AI models for personalized coding assistance.
  • Personalization: Provides personalized suggestions and code completions based on user’s code and standards.
  • Onboarding Agent: Assists in onboarding new developers by guiding them through codebases and making recommendations.
  • Code Privacy: Prioritizes code privacy and security, ensuring AI assistance does not store or share code.


  • Connectivity Constraints: Users need to connect their codebase to Tabnine for full AI assistance.
  • Learning Curve: Introducing AI coding assistants may require time for teams to adapt to the new workflow.
  • Limited Customization: Default settings may be restrictive, requiring additional configuration for specific needs.

Pricing: Tabnine offers a subscription-based pricing model, with plans starting at $12 per month for individual users. Options are available for enterprise users and teams starting at $32.

7. Replit:

Replit AI is an innovative AI tool for coding designed to simplify and enhance the coding experience for developers. It offers features such as natural language coding, multi-file code context, collaborative AI chat, clarity in unfamiliar code, code generation based on natural language, auto-complete suggestions, and contextual AI for every codebase. Replit AI leverages advanced AI algorithms to provide personalized assistance and code suggestions, making it easier for developers to write, understand, and collaborate on code.


  • Natural Language to Code: Converts natural language commands into code, streamlining the coding process.
  • Multi-file Code Context: Offers personalized assistance based on the context of the project’s codebase.
  • Collaborative AI Chat: Facilitates seamless teamwork among developers using AI-powered chat.
  • Clarity in Unfamiliar Code: Provides clarity in unfamiliar codebases, frameworks, APIs, and languages.
  • Code Generation: Generates code from natural language prompts, aiding in debugging and design changes.
  • Auto-complete Suggestions: Offers suggestions as developers type, saving time and enhancing efficiency.


  • Language Support Limitations: Some developers may face challenges if their preferred language is not fully supported.
  • Privacy Concerns: Users should be aware of data privacy implications and potential risks associated with sharing code.

Pricing: Replit AI offers a freemium model with basic features available for free. Advanced features and premium support are available through subscription-based plans starting at $12 per month for individual users.

8. OpenAI Codex:

OpenAI Codex is a groundbreaking AI-powered coding assistant developed by OpenAI, designed to revolutionize the way developers write code. It offers features such as natural language coding, multilingual support, large memory capacity, code generation, and general-purpose model. OpenAI Codex uses state-of-the-art natural language processing techniques to understand and interpret user queries, providing intelligent code suggestions and completions in real-time.


  • Natural Language Coding: Write code by issuing simple commands in natural language.
  • Multilingual Support: Proficient in over a dozen programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, Go, and more.
  • Large Memory Capacity: Has a memory of 14KB for Python code, allowing consideration of vast contextual information.
  • Code Generation: Produces working code based on natural language prompts, empowering computers to understand user intent.
  • General-Purpose Model: Designed as a general-purpose programming model for various coding tasks.
  • API Availability: Offered via API in private beta setting for businesses and developers to build on top of.


  • Limitations in Complexity: Effectiveness may vary based on project complexity, with inconsistent results for some challenges.
  • Learning Curve: Users transitioning to this innovative approach may face a learning curve in understanding its features.
  • Private Beta Restrictions: Limited accessibility during the private beta phase may restrict usage and availability for some users.

Pricing: OpenAI Codex is available as a cloud-based service, with pricing based on usage and custom pricing options available for enterprise users and teams.

9. Codeium:

Codeium is an advanced AI-powered coding assistant aimed at simplifying the software development process. It offers features such as AI-driven code completion, context-aware suggestions, code summarization, code understanding, and integration with popular IDEs.


  • AI-driven Code Completion: Codeium provides intelligent code completion suggestions powered by AI algorithms.
  • Context-aware Suggestions: Offers context-aware suggestions based on the current code context and programming language.
  • Code Summarization: Summarizes code blocks and provides insights into their functionality and purpose.
  • Code Understanding: Helps developers understand code elements such as variables, functions, and classes through advanced analysis.
  • IDE Integration: Seamless integration with popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for enhanced coding experience.


  • Learning Curve: Users new to AI-powered coding assistants may experience a learning curve in fully utilizing Codeium’s features and capabilities.
  • Language Support: Depending on the programming languages supported, users may encounter limitations in utilizing Codeium for certain projects.
  • Resource Intensive: Training and fine-tuning the AI model for specific tasks may require substantial computational resources and processing time.
  • Customization Limitations: While Codeium offers advanced features, some users may find the customization options limited for their specific coding requirements.

Pricing: Codeium offers a subscription-based pricing model, with free plans or individual developers. Pricing options are available for enterprise users and teams starting at $12.

10. Bard (Google):

Bard is an AI coding assistant developed by Google, designed to assist developers in writing code more efficiently and accurately. It offers features such as code generation in over 20 programming languages, debugging assistance, optimization suggestions, integration with Google Colab for Python code, and support for Google Sheets functions.


  • Code Generation: Bard assists in generating code in more than 20 programming languages.
  • Code Debugging: It helps debug code, including its own, and can fix errors in provided code.
  • Code Explanation: Bard can explain code snippets, aiding beginners in learning programming concepts.
  • Optimization Suggestions: Users can ask Bard to optimize code for efficiency and speed.
  • Export to Google Colab: Python code can be easily exported to Google Colab.


  • Accuracy Concerns: There may be occasional inaccuracies or incomplete information provided by Bard, necessitating double-checking and thorough testing.
  • Output Variability: Code generated by Bard may not always produce the expected output, requiring manual adjustments.
  • Risk of Errors: Users should review code for errors, bugs, and vulnerabilities despite Bard’s suggestions.
  • Limited Customization: While Bard offers optimization suggestions, some may not align with specific requirements, necessitating further customization.

Pricing: Bard is available as part of Google’s suite of developer tools, with basic features available for free. Advanced features and premium support may require a subscription-based plan, with pricing starting at $20 per month for individual users. Custom pricing options are available for enterprise users and teams.


As technology continues to evolve, AI coding assistants will undoubtedly play an increasingly vital role in the software development landscape. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, developers can expect to write cleaner, more efficient code in less time. However, it’s essential to remember that these tools are meant to augment, not replace, human expertise. As such, developers should approach AI coding assistants as valuable allies in their quest for innovation and efficiency, always exercising critical thinking and best practices alongside these powerful tools.

But the world of AI doesn’t stop here. If you’re intrigued by the possibilities AI offers, be sure to explore our other blogs, where we delve deeper into the realm of AI-powered tools:

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